We all know how stress can kill and living in the current global pandemic can be more than a little stressful, especially when you have a business to run. There are always obstacles in the way; deadlines to meet, orders to be acquired and costs to be managed and with that in mind, here are a few tips to avoid stress when managing your business.
Morning Meditation
If you can manage to find 30 minutes in the morning to sit quietly and ponder the day ahead, this gives your day some perspective and you will find the strength to remain calm when things are not going to plan.
Delegate Effectively
Of course, it isn’t possible to physically do everything that has to be done and with corporate secretarial services in Malaysia, you can focus on the important stuff. Good managers delegate and this also gives key staff a chance to develop, as they are handed more responsibility.
Share your Troubles
Either your partner or a trusted friend would be the ideal person to talk to at the end of the day and you would be surprised at how much this relieves stress. You could share a cold beer with your neighbour and explain how you overcame a few issues and you could even ask for some advice, if you would like an outsider’s opinion.
Stay Fit & Healthy
A healthy body is a healthy mind, so don’t neglect your physical well-being; a short morning workout should keep you in trim and a cycle around the village after a long day, even if only for 10-15 minutes. Going without exercise for long periods can seriously affect your overall well-being, so make sure you are working all of your muscle groups on a daily basis. There is a lot to be gained from a brisk early morning walk, as this article highlights.
Make the Best Use of Available Technology
There aren’t enough hours in the day for a business owner at the best of times and by using Zoom or Skype to communicate with key people in your team, you have less travelling time and can therefore fit more in.
You should be using an online calendar/organiser, which you can access from any location and if your PA or secretary has access, then she can book meetings and schedule your time efficiently. This cuts down of phone communication, which in turn saves you money and time.
A Balanced Diet
Of course, it is essential that your diet includes fresh organic fruit and vegetables and while you certainly don’t have the time to drive to that nearby organic farm, you can order fresh produce daily, which will be delivered to your home or office.
You could also take a daily supplement of essential vitamins and nutrients, as this will ensure you are getting the nutrition you need to stay fit and healthy. Of course, we must all keep abreast of the latest Covid-19 news, as things can change very quickly.
The global pandemic is affecting us all and as a business owner, you have additional pressure because of the drop in commerce, which is even more of a reason to take care of yourself and avoid stress in all forms.