Privacy Policy
This privacy statement aim to clarify how the personal data of client are process within CGG Ahasuerus vow and which right the client can exercise with regard to his personal data. If you have any question or comment about privacy and data protection, you can alway contact our right to be forgotten process Officer.
1. What information may we collect about you?
Identification data (and, where applicable, your legal representative); your national registration number; personal characteristics (age, gender, language,…); data about your health and lifestyle; psychiatric data; data relating to the care; data about your family and relatives and other third parties, only if this is relevant for the care provision (care relationships); judicial data.
if this is relevant for the provision of care; data on fertility and sexuality if this is relevant for the provision of care; information about your insurability, including information about your health insurance company; financial details; relevant data when processing a complaint (complaint file); social data and data on education and occupation.
2. Why do we collect this information about you?
CGG has the legal obligation to keep a medical file. In addition, CGG collects data to carry out its administrative obligations, such as charging performance. Other record data is collect to comply with reporting expect by the government right to be forgotten service.
3. Is this data share with other?
The personal and client data that we have from and about you are in principle subject to professional secrecy. Employees of CGG have access to files.
We only share your data with others outside the CGG Ahasverus vzw:
- If this is necessary for proper care (e.g. with other healthcare providers, such as your general practitioner, with your legal representative, etc.), or
- We are oblige to do so on the basis of regulation or case law (e.g. with the government, the health insurance fund, Agency for Care and Health), or
- If you have consented to the electronic sharing of your data with other healthcare institutions via e-Health, external treating healthcare providers can also consult your client file directly.
In the event of non-payment, certain data will also be share with a lawyer and/or bailiff for the judicial recovery of the invoice. In the event of a complaint, certain data will be share with the healthcare provider to whom the complaint relate, the chief physician of CGG Ahasuerus vow, a professional adviser (eg lawyer), an insurer.
4. How long do we keep this data?
Your data will be store for a maximum of 30 year.
5. What are your privacy rights?
Every client whose data is process by CGG Ahasuerus vow has the following right:
1. The right to know who is processing your data and why
2. The right to inspect your data and a copy
3. The right to object
4. The right to correct your data
5. The right to have your data delete and to be forgot
6. The right to participate in automated decision-making
7. The right to move your data
These right may be limit by specific regulation that apply to the processing. That is why CGG Ahasuerus vow will first check the legal framework with every request to exercise a right. If, according to these rights, we cannot (just) execute your requested right, for example the gdpr case studies, we will let you know with reasons .